For bookings : [email protected]

Full CV


NCCA Bournemouth University BA (Hons) Computer Animation and Visualisation | 2002-2005
Moving Picture Company London | 2005-2009 : Film and Commercial department
Moving Picture Company Vancouver | 2010-1013: Film
Framestore New York | 2015-2019 : Commercial and VR department

Freelance | 2019-Present

School of Visual Arts – New York | 2019-Present : Adjunct professor, teaching Houdini


One of Us
Wieden Kennedy
Electric Theater Collective
Axis Studio
ESI Design
Radical Media / Illuminarium
Chemistry Creative
Free Range
Leo Villareal Studio


Reel shot breakdown

Superman · Man of Steel | MPC Vancouver (Nov11)

  • As one of the two FX-Leads and together with a team of 25, we worked on almost 250 FX shots.
  • Responsible for all destruction and particle work.
  • Worked closely with the RnD department during the development of Kali (Finite Element interface) to extend its capabilities
  • Development and improvement of FX rigs to be used by artists
  • Scheduling

Sherlock Holmes · A Game of Shadows | MPC Vancouver (Apr11)

  • FX-Lead with a team of 5 worked on around 25 FX shots.
  • Destruction for the tower, wall and tree.

Sucker Punch | MPC Vancouver (May10)

  • Statue destruction
  • Bullets and impacts rig
  • Shot execution for pillar destruction and additional FX

Harry Potter & the Order of the Phoenix | MPC London (Mar06)

  • FX look development for 60% of the fireworks used in the 2 minutes sequence.
  • FX rig and execution of the fireworks dragon body.
  • Fireworks execution in 8 shots.
  • Various tools and setups

X-Men · The Last Stand | MPC London (Sep05)

  • Development and implementation of a toolset in MEL for the “atomization” effect of ‘Prof Xavier’ and other soft surfaces. The tool was also used for ‘Watchmen’ and ‘Dorian Gray’.
  • Execution of 4 shots.

Source Code | MPC Vancouver (Nov10)

  • Explosion debris

aYia · Easy – Salomon Ligthelm | ArtJail NY (Sep19)

  • Look exploration and development of the monolith’s point of view
  • Execution of all monolith’s point of view

Liquid Couture · Tim Richardson | Framestore NY (Aug15)

  • Look and motion development
  • Procedural animation

Lionsong · Björk | Framestore NY (Mar15)

  • Particle FX

Apple · Share the Joy | Blacksmith NY (Oct22)

  • FX development for snow interaction
  • Execution on 2 shots

Samsung · Rihanna ANTIdiary | Framestore NY (Nov15)

  • FX

Galaxy | Framestore NY (Sep 17)

  • Flocking bird setup and execution of 6 shots

Kia Beachcomber | Method LA (Mar22)

  • FX development for sand interaction
  • Execution on 3 shots

FX Network · American Horror Story | Freerange VFX (Jun23)

  • FX development of silk egg cocoon opening
  • Crowd system

Hewlett Packard | Framestore NY (Jun 16)

  • Light Trails FX
  • Growing and floating grass

State Farm | Framestore NY (Nov 16)

  • CG Lead in a team of 4
  • Falling Tree

Cap’n Crunch | ATKPLAN (Jun22)

  • Executive Producer & Creative Director
  • Worked with Mascista animation studio to deliver a 45” spot

Dell Technologies | Framestore NY (Nov 16)

  • CG lead and a team of 8 worked on 4 spots.
  • The campaign featured live projection mapping on the set props, that we per-visualized and produced before the shoot.
  • Interfaced with projection company and the set designer to make the projections work.
  • Also consulted and led the post production part for the second Dell Tech Stories campaign.

Simple Mobile | Framestore NY (Mar 18)

  • Shoot supervision

Qualcomm · Snapdragon 8cx | Framestore NY (Feb19)

  • Creative direction
  • CG Lead in a team of 5
  • Look development of Integrated Circuit internal structure
  • FX and motion development
  • Previs, edit and shot execution

Samsung · SSD | R/GA NY (Mar20)

  • FX development of spaceship explosion
  • Execution of 3 shots

Northern Trust | Framestore NY (Dec 17)

  • VFX supervisor
  • Production of the content that was playing on 9 LED screens on set.
  • Shoot supervision

Illuminarium · Space | Radical Media (Oct21)

  • FX and look development of rocket launch plums
  • FX and look development of asteroid collision
  • Large resolution projection mapped space, at over 8x40k resolution and 60fps

Inter I am | Chemical Creative (Apr23)

  • Programming and look development of 3 interactive effects on a semi dome.
  • TouchDesigner and GLSL

Qualcomm VR | Framestore NY (Nov 17)

  • CG Lead
  • 360 VR video rendered at 6k and 60fps
  • Worked with in-house and an outsource company
  • All FX and animation of the sequence

Marvel · Samsung VR | Framestore NY (May 15)

  • Fireball and additional FX in slow-motion


Music: Alex Retsis · Helsinki sound factory